
Sunday, April 26, 2015

It's Got Legs

In the law trade, a strong argument is said to have legs. It can walk of its own power. An argument has legs if, by its nature, it accords with the listeners' common understanding of how the world works.
The story of the resurrection isn't such a story. It's outrageous, until you study closely what the nearest witnesses did in response. Then, your common understanding will tell you something very different.

Join the congregation of Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, Ky. for this week's sermon, It's Got Legs! by clicking HERE for audio or HERE for text. Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, Kentucky, was built on the casting floor of a 19th Century iron blast furnace. We use "The Casting Floor" as an image for the power of the Spirit to form us. Visit us at

Sunday, April 19, 2015

So What?

I upset some people by calling the account of the resurrection of Jesus outrageous, but it IS outrageous. If I told you my uncle Fred had been raised from the dead and dropped by to have a bite of fish, you would see just how outrageous an assertion that is. Talking about Jesus, though, we've heard it so much we no longer confront it, which means we never get to the most important question a Christian can ask, "So what?" What does the resurrection of Jesus mean in my life? For what did He give His life? Most importantly, what responsibilities are laid upon me as a Christian?

Join the congregation of Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, Ky. for this week's sermon, So What? by clicking HERE for audio or HERE for text. Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, Kentucky, was built on the casting floor of a 19th Century iron blast furnace. We use "The Casting Floor" as an image for the power of the Spirit to form us. Visit us at

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Way? No Way!

"...the doors were locked for fear of the Jews." This passage from the Gospel of John has permitted those who would draft the good news into service of their own evil goals to pursue much cruelty. At basis, the problem is one of dualistic thinking -- an inability to see the world through the non-dualistic eyes of Christ.
Join the congregation of Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, Ky. for this week's sermon, Way? No Way! by clicking HERE for audio or HERE for text. Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, Kentucky, was built on the casting floor of a 19th Century iron blast furnace. We use "The Casting Floor" as an image for the power of the Spirit to form us. Visit us at

Sunday, April 5, 2015


I think that here in the mountains the most common understanding of the Resurrection and Crucifixion is some variant on the theme of "Jesus did it all" or "Jesus paid the debt we could not pay". I can't relate to that at all for reasons unimportant here, but the question I would pose is this: when Jesus returns, is "Thanks a bunch, Jesus" all that He will expect from us, or has He called us to a task -- the task of healing the world, or, in Hebrew, Tikkun Olam?

Join the congregation of Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, Ky. for this week's sermon, Tikkun Olam by clicking HERE for audio or HERE for text. Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, Kentucky, was built on the casting floor of a 19th Century iron blast furnace. We use "The Casting Floor" as an image for the power of the Spirit to form us. Visit us at