
Sunday, December 5, 2010

What in the World Happened in Judea?

I suppose it takes a certain kind of mean-spirited preacher to find a way to make Advent into a problem, and I suppose I'm just that kind of a mean-spirited preacher. Be that as it may be, what in the world happened in Judea 2,000 years ago? If you're looking for an answer, you won't find it here, but you may find something to chew on. Join the congregation of Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte for our sermon from Matthew 3 titled What in the World Happened in Judea by clicking any of the blue text along here.

Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, Kentucky, was built on the casting floor of a 19th Century iron blast furnace. We use "The Casting Floor" as an image for the power of the Spirit to form us. Visit us at

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