
Sunday, December 4, 2011


Mahatma Gandhi taught us that the truth has power to make itself manifest. He coined the word "Satyagraha", loosely translated as "force of truth" or "insistence of truth" to express this vital principle. So it is with those who believe that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of the Living God. We similarly believe that this truth has power to manifest itself though the forces of the world are arrayed against it. This year, Year B in the Revised Common Lectionary, we take up the Gospel of Mark. Mark has no Advent stories, no birth narratives, no Wise Men, Stars, or Santa Claus. Just the simple statement, "The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God". In its earliest form, Mark didn't even have an account of the resurrection. What are we to understand about a Gospel with no Christmas and no Easter, but only the simple statement, "The beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ, the Son of God"? Join the congregation of Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, KY for this week's sermon from Mark 1:1-8, "Satyagraha" by clicking HERE for audio or HERE for text. Community Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, Kentucky, was built on the casting floor of a 19th Century iron blast furnace. We use "The Casting Floor" as an image for the power of the Spirit to form us. Visit us at

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